バランス:On Balance


Recently, I strongly felt the importance of balancing my time. So I quit my club, and intend to join the volleyball circle next week. Cause I quit my club, I’ve had a lot more time to myself. During the weekends, I studied in the morning, and played in the afternoon. When I returned to my dorm in the evening, I studied again. I think that’s good balance. But at the same time, I think this volleyball experience was really great. バレーボール朝はカフェの時間です。寮の近くにあるルパンというカフェでコーヒーを飲んだり、漫画を読んだり、友達と話したりしました。

Mornings are café time. There’s a café near by the dorm called Rupan where I drank coffee, read manga and talked with my friend. るぱんこのモーニングはとても美味しかった。400円で、ホットコーヒー、半熟卵、トーストが食べられます。土曜日の時に、めちゃ漫画を読みました。漫画を読んで、改めてここに来てから日本語はそのぐらい上達になったのを実感しました。三日間たったのに、もう半分の漫画を読んで、嬉しかったです。日曜日は、星見と一緒に朝ごはんを食べて、いろんなことについて話しました。トヨタとソニーの回復で、日本のいろんな社会問題について話しました。

This morning set was great! For 400 yen, I got a hot coffee, a half cooked egg, and toast. On Saturday, I read my manga, and strongly felt how much I had progressed since coming to Japan. I had already read half the manga in about 3 days, so I was quite happy was about that. On Sunday I ate breakfast with Seimi, and talked about tons of things, like the recovery of Toyota and Sony, as well as a variety of social problems in Japan.


In the afternoons, I went to different places. On Saturday, there was the Nagoya festival, taking place from Nagoya station to Yabacho station. I saw the parade, which had a myriad of costumes, dances and colours and it was a great experience! After that, I ate great miso katsu at Yabaton. It was really so so good!ヤバトン日曜日の時にバーベキューを食べに行った。三つの大学生がいて、いろんな話ができて、すごく楽しかったです!そして、来週の週末明治村に行くつもりで、嬉しいです!

On Sunday, I went for a barbecue where I met students from 2 other universities in Nagoya, namely Nagoya University and it was a ton of fun! Gonna go to Meiji Mura next week with them, so I’m really looking forward to it!公園 花科学館三人And that’s it for an update!

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